Freerice Challenge
* Our Freerice Challenge has officially ended *
317,898 Grains
Final Count

St. Norbert College’s Circle K needs YOUR help! is helping fight world hunger. As you play Freerice and answer questions correctly, advertisements appear. These advertisements trigger financial payments to the World Food Programme (WFP) to help support its work saving and changing lives around the world. In game, these payments are represented by grains of rice. This amount can vary, but is estimated to be about *5 grains of rice. Playing Freerice generates money that pays for this rice, but is also used for other types of assistance depending on where the needs are greatest. No matter what types of assistance the funds go towards, 100% of the funds generated on Freerice go to WFP and 93.5% of every payment WFP receives goes directly to helping children and their families. You can help us reach this goal by going to or downloading the Freerice app from your app store and answering questions. You can log your grain count by filling out this form ( Together, we can help fight world hunger! (For more information about Freerice, please visit the ‘About’ section on their website)
*As of July 30, 2020 Freerice has reduced all scores in the game to 5 grains of rice instead of 10. Due to the COVID crisis, the online ad market is not generating enough money for them to consistently guarantee that they can consistently raise enough money each day to purchase 10 grains of rice per correct answer. When the ad market improves, they will increase the per-question score back up to 10.